Ili has been awarded a prestigious Rubicon fellowship by the NWO, which will fully fund her for a two year postdoctoral fellowship at New York University. She'll start at NYU in the Summer, and we wish her all the best!
Jeroen has finished his PhD thesis! Congratulations on this accomplishment, and we wait anxiously (well, not very anxiously, it's a pretty good thesis) to hear what his evaluation committee says. Meanwhile, Jeroen will spend his next few months backpacking in Asia before starting a postdoc position at Brown University in the Fall. He'll be back shortly thereafter to defend his thesis and we'll give him a proper farewell then.
The lab says farewell to Felix and Andre, as they move on to other things. Andre will try his hand at entrepreneurship and Felix has moved to a position in the lab of our neighbour Karin Roelofs. We wish them both the best for the future!