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Galvan, E.P. & Sanfey, A.G. (In Press)

Social Utility Modeling: A Tool to Gain Insight into Social Motives. Social Cognition




Huijsmans, I*. Vahed, S*., Ratala, C.E., Llera, A., & Sanfey, A.G. (2024)

Competing fairness ideals underlie wealth inequality across decision contexts. Scientific Reports [PDF]


Vahed, S.*, Galvan, E.P.*, & Sanfey, A.G. (2024)

Computational modeling of social decision-making. Current Opinions in Psychology [PDF]


Vavra, P., Galvan, E.P., & Sanfey, A.G. (2024)

Moral Decision-Making in context: behavioral and neural processes underlying allocations based on need, merit, and equality. Cortex [PDF]


Galvan, E.P. & Sanfey, A.G. (2024)

Reciprocity in Ambiguous Situations: Default psychological strategies underlying ambiguity resolution in moral decision-making. PLoS One



Vahed, S., Goanta, C., Ortolani, P. & Sanfey, A.G. (2024)

User Content Moderation: Reporting Decisions and Punishment Preferences on Social Media. PLoS One [PDF]




She, M. H. C. & Sanfey, A.G. (2023)

An experimental study of information transparency and social preferences on donation behaviors: The self-signaling model. Frontiers in Psychology [PDF]




Turri, G., Cavallo, A., Romeo, L., Pontil, M., Sanfey, A.G., Panzeri, S. & Becchio, C. (2022)

Decoding social decisions from movement kinematics. iScience [PDF]


Fairley, K., Vyrastekova. J.,Weitzel, U. & Sanfey, A.G. (2022) 

Beyond lottery-evoked ambiguity aversion: The neural signature of the types and sources of uncertainty.

NeuroImage [PDF]




Micheli, L., Stallen. M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2021) 

The effect of centralized financial and social incentives on cooperative behavior and its underlying neural mechanisms.

Brain Sciences [PDF]


Lapomarda, G., Pappaianni, E., Siugzdaite, R., Sanfey, A.G., Rumiati. R.I. & Grecucci, A. (2021)

Out of control: An altered parieto-occipital-cerebellar network for impulsivity in bipolar disorder. Behavioural Brain Research [PDF]


Fenneman, A., Sickmann J., Pitz, T. & Sanfey, A.G. (2021) 

Two distinct and separable processes underlie individual differences in algorithm adherence: differences in predictions and differences in trust thresholds. PLoS One [PDF]


Driessen, J.M.A., Van Baar, J., Sanfey, A.G., Glennon, J. C. & Brazil, I. A. (2021)

Moral strategies and psychopathic traits. Journal of Abnormal Psychology [PDF]





Van Baar, J.M., Klaassen, F., Ricci, F., Chang, L.J. & Sanfey, A.G. (2020)

Stable distribution of reciprocity motives in a population. Scientific Reports [PDF]


Ma, I., Sanfey, A.G. & Ma, W.J. (2020)

The Social Cost of Gathering Information for Trust Decisions. Scientific Reports [PDF]


Couwenberg, L.E., Boksem, M.A.S., Sanfey, A.G. & Smidts, A. (2020)

Neural mechanisms underlying diversification of choice.  Frontiers in Neuroscience [PDF]


Fairley, K. & Sanfey, A.G. (2020)

The role of demographics on adolescents' preferences for risk, ambiguity, and prudence. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization [PDF]


Chan, H.Y., Smidts, A., Schoots, V.C., Sanfey, A.G. & Boksem, M.A.S. (2020)

Decoding dynamic affective responses to naturalistic videos with shared neural patterns. Neuroimage [PDF]





Huijsmans, I., Ma, I., Micheli, L., Civai, C., Stallen, M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2019)

A scarcity mindset alters neural processing underlying consumer decision-making. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA [PDF]


Van Baar, J.M., Chang L.J. & Sanfey, A.G. (2019)

The computational and neural substrates of moral strategies in social decision-making. Nature Communications 10, 1483 [PDF]


Civai, C., Huijsmans, I. & Sanfey, A.G. (2019)

Neurocognitive mechanisms of reactions to second- and third-party justice violations. Scientific Reports [PDF]


Fairley, F., Vyrastekova, J., Weitzel, U. & Sanfey A.G. (2019)

Subjective beliefs about trust and reciprocity activate an expected reward signal in the ventral striatum. Frontiers in Neuroscience [PDF]


Losecaat Vermeer, A., Boksem, M.A.S. & Sanfey, A.G. (2019)

Third-party decision-making under risk as a function of prior gains and losses. Journal of Economic Psychology [PDF]


Gong, X., Brazil I.A., Chang, L.J. & Sanfey, A.G. (2019)

Psychopathic traits are related to diminished guilt aversion and reduced trustworthiness during social decision-making. Scientific Reports [PDF]


Rățală, C.E., Fallon, S. J., van der Schaaf, M. E., ter Huurne, N., Cools, R. & Sanfey, A.G. (2019)

Catecholaminergic Modulation of Trust Decisions. Psychopharmacology [PDF]


Bovy, L., Möbius, M., Dresler M., Fernández, G., Sanfey, A.G., Becker, E., & Tendolkar, I. (2019)

Combining attentional bias modification with dorsolateral prefrontal rTMS does not attenuate maladaptive attentional processing. Scientific Reports 9, 1168 [PDF]




Vavra, P., Chang L.J. & Sanfey, A.G. (2018)

Expectations in the Ultimatum Game: Distinct Effects of Mean and Variance of Expected Offers. Frontiers in Psychology 9, 992 [PDF]


Vermue, M., Seger, C.R. & Sanfey, A.G. (In Press)

Group-based biases influence learning about individual trustworthiness. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 77, 36-49 [PDF not yet available]


Stallen, M., Rossi, F., Heijne, A., Smidts, A., De Dreu, C.K.W, & Sanfey, A.G. (2018)

Neurobiological Mechanisms of Responding to Injustice. The Journal of Neuroscience 38(12), 2944-2954 [PDF]





Vavra, P., van Baar, J. & Sanfey, A.G. (2017)

The neural basis of fairness. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Fairness, Equity, and Justice, ed. D. Tracer & M. Li. Springer [PDF]


Heijne, A., Rossi, F., & Sanfey, A.G. (2017)

Why we stay with our social partners: Neural mechanisms of stay/leave decision-making. Social Neuroscience [PDF]


Stallen, M., Griffioen, N., & Sanfey, A.G. (2017)

Why are we not more selfish? Insights from neuroscience and psychology experiments. Frontiers for Young Minds [PDF]


Gong, X., & Sanfey, A.G. (2017)

Social rank and social cooperation: Impact of social comparison processes on cooperative decision-making. PLoS One, 12(4) [PDF]





Fairley, K., Sanfey, A.G., Vyrastekova, J., & Weitzel, U. (2016)

Trust and risk revisited. Journal of Economic Psychology, 57, 74-85. [PDF]


Losecaat Vermeer, A.B., Heerema, R. & Sanfey, A.G. (2016)

Third-party cooperation: How reducing material involvement enhances contributions to the public good. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 3, 337-349. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G. & Stallen, M. (2016)

Neuroscience Contribution to JDM: Opportunities and Limitations. Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making.





Stallen, M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2015)

The neuroscience of social conformity: Implications for fundamental and applied research. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 337. [PDF]


Losecaat Vermeer, A.B. & Sanfey, A.G. (2015)

The effect of positive and negative feedback on risk-taking across different contexts. PLoS One, 10. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G., Civai, C. & Vavra, P. (2015)

Predicting the other in cooperative interactions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19, 364-365. [PDF]


Heijne, A. & Sanfey, A.G. (2015)

How social and nonsocial context affects stay/leave decision-making: The influence of actual and expected rewards. PLoS One, 10(8), e0135226. [PDF]


Mehta, P.H., Van Son, V., Welker, K.M., Prasad, D., Sanfey, A.G., Smidts, A., & Roelofs, K. (2015)

Exogenous testosterone in women enhances and inhibits competitive decision-making depending on victory-defeat experience and trait dominance. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 60, 224-236. [PDF]


Radke, S., Volman, I., Mehta, P., Van Son, V., Enter, D., Sanfey, A.G., Toni, I., De Bruijn, E.R.A., Roelofs, K. (2015)

Testosterone biases the amygdala toward social threat approach. Science Advances, 1(5). [PDF]


Stallen, M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2015)

Cooperation in the brain: Neuroscientific contributions to theory and policy. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 3, 117-121. [PDF]


Harlé, K.M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2015)

Unilateral hand contractions produce motivational biases in social economic decision making. Neuropsychology, 29, 76. [PDF]





Van Damme, A., Binmore, K.G., Roth, A.E., Samuelson, L., Winter, E., Bolton, G.E., Ockenfels, A., Dufwenberg, M., Kirchsteiger, G., Gneezy, U., Kocher, M.G., Sutter, M., Sanfey, A.G., Kliemt, H., Selten, R., Nagel, R., & Azar, O.H. (2014) How Werner Güth's ultimatum game shaped our understanding of social behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 108, 292-318. [PDF]


Grecucci, A., Giorgetta, C., Rattin, A., Guerreschi, C., Sanfey, A.G., & Bonini, N. (2014)

Time devours things: How impulsivity and time affect temporal decisions in pathological gablers. PLoS One, 9:e109197(10). [PDF]


Hytönen, K., Baltussen, G., Van Den Assem, M.J., Klucharev, V., Sanfey, A.G., & Smidts, A. (2014)

Path dependence in risky choice: Affective and deliberative processes in brain and behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107, 566-581. [PDF]


Giorgetta, C., Grecucci, A., Rattin, A., Guerreschi, C., Sanfey, A.G., & Bonini, N. (2014)

To play or not to play: A personal dilemma in pathological gambling. Psychiatry Research, 219, 562-569. [PDF]


Losecaat Vermeer, A.B., Boksem, M.A.S. & Sanfey, A.G. (2014)

Neural mechanisms underlying context-dependent shifts in risk preferences. Neuroimage, 103, 355-363. [PDF]


Smidts, A., Hsu, M., Sanfey, A.G., Boksem, M.A.S., Ebstein, R.B., Huettel, S.A., Kable, J.W., Karmarkar, U.R., Kitayama, S., Knutson, B., Liberzon, I., Lorenz, T., Stallen, M., & Yoon, C. (2014)

Advancing consumer neuroscience. Marketing Letters, 25, 257-267. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G., Stallen, M. & Chang, L.J. (2014)

Norms and expectations in social decision-making. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18, 172-174. [PDF]


Grecucci, A. & Sanfey, A.G. (2014)

Emotion regulation and decision-making. In The Handbook of Emotional Regulation, 2nd Edition, edited by J.J. Gross, The Guildford Press.


Castelli, I., Massaro, D., Sanfey, A.G., Marchetti, A. (2014)

What is fair for you? Judgments and decisions about fairness and Theory of Mind. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11, 49-62. [PDF]





Boksem, M.A.S., Mehta, P.H., Van Den Bergh, B., Van Son, V., Trautmann, S.T., Roelofs, K., Smidts, A., & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

Testosterone inhibits trust but promotes reciprocity. Psychological Science, 24, 2306-2314. [PDF]


Stallen, M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

The cooperative brain. The Neuroscientist, 19, 292-303. [PDF]


Chang, L.J. & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

Great expectations: Neural computations underlying the use of social norms in decision-making. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience, 8, 277-284. [PDF]


Stallen, M., Smidts, A. & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

Peer influence: Neural mechanisms underlying in-group conformity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(50). [PDF]


Chang, L.J., Yarkoni, T., Khaw, M.W., & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

Decoding the role of the insula in human cognition: Functional parcellationand large-scale reverse inference. Cerebral Cortex, 23, 399-410. [PDF]


Grecucci, A., Giorgetta, C., Van Wout, M., Bonini, N., & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

Reappraising the Ultimatum An fMRI study of emotion regulation and decision-making. Cerebral Cortex, 23, 399-410. [PDF]


Grecucci, A., Giorgetta, C., Brambilla, P., Zanon, S., Perini, L., Balestrieri, M., Bonini, N., & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

Anxious ultimatums: How anxiety affects socio-economic decisions. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 230-244. [PDF]


Giorgetta, C., Grecucci, A., Bonini, N., Coricelli, G., Demarchi, G., Braun, C., & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

Waves of regret: A MEG study of emotion and decision-making. Neuropsychologia, 51, 38-51. [PDF]


Grecucci, A., Giorgetta, C., Bonini, N., & Sanfey, A.G. (2013)

Living emotions, avoiding emotions: Behavioral investigation of the regulation of socially driven emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(616). [PDF]


Kvaran, T., Nichols, S. & Sanfey, A.G. (2013) 

The effect of analytic and experiental modes of thought on moral decision-making. In Progress in Brain Research: Decision Making: Neural and Behavioural Approaches, Vol. 202, Elsevier.





Stallen, M., De Dreu, C.K.W., Shalvi, S., Smidts, A., & Sanfey, A.G. (2012)

The herding hormone: Oxytocin stimulates in-group conformity. Psychological Science, 23, 1288-1292. [PDF]


Fahrenfort, J.J., Van Winden, F., Pelloux, B., Stallen, M., & Ridderinkhof, K.R. (2012)

Neural correlates of dynamically evolving interpersonal ties predict prosocial behaior. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6:28. [PDF]


Giorgetta, C., Grecucci, A., Zanon, S., Perini, L., Balestrieri, M., Bonini, N., Sanfey, A.G., & Brambilla, P. (2012)

Reduced risk-taking behavior as a trait feature of anxiety. Emotion, 12, 1373-1383. [PDF]


Harlé, K. & Sanfey, A.G. (2012)

Social economic decision-making across the lifespan: An fMRI investigation. Neuropsychologia, 50, 1416-1424. [PDF]


Harlé, K., Chang, L.J., Van 't Wout, M., & Sanfey, A.G. (2012)

The neural mechanisms of affect infusion in social economic decision-making: A mediating role of the anterior insula. NeuroImage, 61, 32-40. [PDF]





Chang, L.J., Smith, A., Dufwenberg, M., & Sanfey, A.G. (2011)

Triangulating the neural, psychological, and economic bases of moral sentiments. Neuron, 70, 560-572. [PDF]


Marchetti, A., Castelli, I., Harlé, K., & Sanfey, A.G. (2011)

Expectations and outcome: The role of proposer features in the Ultimatum Game. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32, 446-449. [PDF]


Becker, W.J., Cropanzano, R. & Sanfey, A.G. (2011)

Organizational neuroscience: Taking organizational theory beyond the neural black box. Journal of Management, 37, 933-961. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G. & Rilling, J.K. (2011)

Neural bases of social decision making. In Vartanian, O., & Mandel, D.R. (Eds.). Neuroscience of Decision Making. New York: Psychology Press.


Rilling, J.K. & Sanfey, A.G. (2011)

The neuroscience of social decision-making. Annual Reviews of Psychology, 62, 23-48.PDF





Van 't Wout, M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

Interactive decision-making in people with schizotypal traits: A game theory approach. Psychiatry Research, 185(1), 92-96. [PDF]


Harlé, K.M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

Effects of approach and withdrawal motivation on interactive economic decisions. Emotion & Cognition, 24, 1456-1465. [PDF]


Castelli, I., Massaro, D., Sanfey, A.G., & Marchetti, A. (2010)

Fairness and intentionality in children's decision-making. International Review of Economics, 57, 269-288. [PDF]


Chang, L.J., Doll, B.B., Van 't Wout, M., Frank, M.J., & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

Seeing is believing: Trustworthiness as a dynamic belief. Cognitive Psychology, 61, 87-105. [PDF]


Stallen, M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

Neuroeconomics and Game Theory. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.


Hytönen, K. & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

Neuroeconomics Insights for Decision Analysis. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.


Kvaran, T. & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

Toward an integrated neuroscience morality: The contribution of neuroeconomics to moral cognition. Topics in Cognitive Science, 2, 579-595. [PDF]


Van 't Wout, M., Chang, L.J. & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

Emotion regulation and social interactive decision-making. Emotion, 10, 815-821. [PDF]


Harlé, K.M., Allen, J.J.B. & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

The impact of depression on social economic decisions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119, 440-446. [PDF]


Harlé, K.M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2010)

Incidental emotion in social economic decision-making. In L.A. Perez Miranda & A. Izagirre Madariaga (Eds.). Advances in Cognitive Science: Learning, Evolution, and Social Action. University of the Basque Country Press.





Rilling, J.K. & Sanfey, A.G. (2009)

Social interaction. In L. Squire et al. (Eds.). The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Elsevier.


Chang, L.J. & Sanfey, A.G. (2009)

Unforgettable ultimatums? Expectations violations promote enhanced social memory following economic bargaining. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 3(36). [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G. (2009)

Expectations and social decision-making: biasing effects of prior knowledge on Ultimatum responses. Mind & Society. [PDF]


Frank, M.J., Cohen, M.X. & Sanfey, A.G. (2009)

Multiple systems in decision-making: A neurocomputational perspective. Current Directions in Psychological Science. [PDF]


Doll, B.B., Jacobs, W.J., Sanfey, A.G. & Frank, M.J. (2009)

Instructional control of reinforcement learning: A behavioral and neurocomputational investigation. Brain Research. [PDF]





Marchetti, A., Castelli, I. & Sanfey, A.G. (2008)

Teoria della Mente e decisione in ambito economico: Un contributo empirico. In Antionietti, A., Balconi, M. (Eds.). Psicoeconomia Neuroeconomia. Bologna: ilMulino.


Rilling, J.K., King-Casas, B. & Sanfey, A.G. (2008)

The neurobiology of social decision-making. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 18, 159-165. [PDF]


Van 't Wout, M. & Sanfey, A.G. (2008)

Friend or foe: The effect of implicit trustworthiness judgments in social decision-making. Cognition, 108, 796-803. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G. & Dorris, M. (2008)

Games in human and non-human primates: Scanners to single units. In P. Glimcher et al. (Eds.). Neuroeconomics: Decision-Making and the Brain. Academic Press.


Pochon, J.B., Riis, J., Sanfey, A.G., Nystrom, L.E., & Cohen, J.D. (2008)

Functional imaging of decision conflict. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 3468-3473. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G. & Chang, L.J. (2008)

Multiple systems in decision-making. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1228, 53-62. [PDF]


Tesch, A.D. & Sanfey, A.G. (2008)

Models and methods in delay discounting. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1128, 90-94. [PDF]





Sanfey, A.G. (2007)

Decision neuroscience: New directions in studies of judgment and decision-making. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 151-155. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G. (2007)

Social decision-making: Insights from Game Theory and neuroscience. Science, 318, 598-602. [PDF]


Harlé, K. & Sanfey, A.G. (2007)

Incidental sadness biases social economic decisions in the Ultimatum Game. Emotion, 7, 876-881. [PDF]





Sanfey, A.G., Loewenstein, G., Cohen, J.D. & McClure, S.M. (2006)

Neuroeconomics: Cross-currents in research on decision-making. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10, 108-116. [PDF]


Van 't Wout, M., Kahn, R.S., Sanfey, A.G. & Aleman, A. (2006)

Affective state and decision-making in the Ultimatum Game. Experimental Brain Research, 169, 564-568. [PDF]


Wood, R.M., Rilling, J.K., Sanfey, A.G., Bhagwagar, Z., & Rogers, R.D. (2006)

The effects of tryptophan depletion on the performance on an iterated Prisoner's Game in healthy adults. Neuropsychopharmacology, 1-10. [PDF]


Scheres, A. & Sanfey, A.G. (2006)

Individual differences in decision-making: Drive and reward responsiveness affects strategic bargaining in economic games. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2, 35. [PDF]


Hastie, R. & Sanfey, A.G. (2006)

Decision making. In E. Smith and S. Kosslyn (Eds.). Cognitive Psychology Mind and Brain. Prentice Hall.





Van 't Wout, M., Kahn, R.S., Sanfey, A.G., & Aleman, A. (2005)

rTMS Over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex affects strategic decision making. NeuroReport, 16, 1849-1852. [PDF]





Sanfey, A.G. & Cohen, J.D. (2004)

Is knowing always feeling? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101, 16709-16710. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G. (2004)

Neural computations of decision utility. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8, 519-521. [PDF]


Rilling, J.K., Sanfey, A.G., Aronson, J.A., Nystrom, L.E., & Cohen, J.D. (2004)

Opposing BOLD responses to reciprocated and unreciprocated altruism in putative reward pathways. NeuroReport, 15, 2239-2243. [PDF]


Yeung, N.P. & Sanfey, A.G. (2004)

Independent coding of reward magnitude and valence in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 6258-6264. [PDF]


Rilling, J.K., Sanfey, A.G., Aronson, J.A., Nystrom, L.E., & Cohen, J.D. (2004)

The neural correlates of Theory of Mind within interpersonal interactions. NeuroImage, 22, 1694-1703. [PDF]





Sanfey, A.G., Rilling, J.K., Aronson, J.A., Nystrom, L.E., & Cohen, J.D. (2003)

The neural basis of economic decision making in the Ultimatum Game. Science, 300, 1755-1758. [PDF]


Sanfey, A.G., Hastie, R., Colvin, M.K., & Grafman, J. (2003)

Phineas gauged: Decision-making and the frontal lobes. Neuropsychologia, 41, 1218-1229. [PDF]





Sanfey, A.G. & Hastie, R. (2002)

Inter-event relationships and judgment under uncertainty: Structure determines strategy. Memory & Cognition, 30, 921-933. [PDF]





Sanfey, A.G. & Hastie, R. (2000)

Judgment and decision making across the adult life span: A tutorial review of psychological research. In D. Park and N. Schwarz (Eds.). Aging and Cognition: A Primer. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.





Sanfey, A.G. & Hastie, R. (1998)

Does evidence presentation format affect judgment? An experimental evaluation of five displays of data for judgments. Psychological Science, 9, 99-103. [PDF]


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