Last week, Elisa officially graduated from her Master's and received her diploma! Well deserved, congratulations! Later this year she will be starting a PhD at UCL in London.

Flavia and Jeroen attended the NVP Winter Conference 2017 in Egmond aan Zee, 14-16 December. Aside from many other scientific highlights (great keynotes, fascinating talks, cool posters), Jeroen organized a symposium on ecologically valid social experiments together with Eliska Prochazkova and Michael Giffin from Leiden University and Karin Roelofs from the Donders. The four of them presented various ways of making the science of social decision-making more realistic at the level of experimentation, measurement, computational modeling, and neuroimaging analysis.

Today Jeroen received the DCCN (Donders Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging) PhD Student of the Year Award of 2017! Well deserved, if you ask us!