The Radboud Center for Decision Science was recently selected to present at the Dag van het Gedrag 2021, hosted by the Behavioural Insights Network Nederland. The online conference included over 850 experts in academia, industry and policy interested in the application of behavioural science to policy. During the Center's session, participants heard about recent advances and the potential implications and application of cutting-edge research to policy, presented by Alan (Donders Institute/Behavioural Science Institute), Jana Vyrastekova (Nijmegen School of Management) & Marijn de Bruin (Radboudumc). You can watch the full session here:

Congratulations to Brittany who recently graduated with her Masters degree in Cognitive Neuroscience! Well done Brittany on this fantastic achievement! We are also particularly happy that Brittany will continue to be part of our lab, in addition to taking up her new position as Assistant Course Coordinator at the Psychology Faculty here at Radboud University.

Achiel was recently invited to present a seminar talk at the Psychology Department at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. The title of his talk was "Cascading recall results in the sampling of indirect memories", during which he presented his work on memory and decision-making (which included showcasing these cute/terrifying creatures that form part of his research). Intrigued? Feel free to reach out to Achiel to learn more!