Inge and Jeroen gave poster presentations at the Dutch Psychonomy Association's Symposium 2015. Inge poster presentation focused on the influence of a 'scarcity mind-set' on everyday decision-making, whereas Jeroen's poster elaborated on the ways in which norms and second-order beliefs influence Trust Game reciprocity.
Alan gave a presentation at the Financial Education and Investor Behaviour Conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). The conference's focus was a multidisciplinary approach to financial behaviour from the fields of psychology, economics, neuroscience, education, design and others, such as public policy. Specifically, Alan gave a presentation on insights from Decision Neuroscience regarding trust, fairness, and cooperation.
Alan gave a talk at the Annual Economics and Psychology Conference (Dublin, Ireland) about social motivations in decision-making and insights from Decision Neuroscience. The conference had a special focus on the implications of behavioural economics for public policy.