In August, Achiel gave (another) great talk about his work on episodic memory at SPUDM 2021 (the annual meeting on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision-Making). The conference was hosted this year (virtually) at Warwick University in the UK.
Achiel's talk was very well-received. Speaking about his interest in the research topic, Achiel says "Memory and decision-making are intrinsically linked: we have memories to help us make better decisions, and our decisions determine which memories we have. If we truly want to understand how people make decisions in daily life, we need to better understand the role of memory in the decision process."
Well done, Achiel!
Achiel recently presented at the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Decision Neuroscience 2021, hosted virtually this year from the University of Houston. His talk, entitled 'Episodic Decision-Making via a Process of Cascading Episodic Sampling (CASES)', outlines some of his recent work in the lab and was well-received. Well done, Achiel!

This year we welcome Eric to the lab! Eric obtained his Bachelor's degree in Psychology at Radboud University, and is currently a research Master's student at the Behavioural Science Institute. Eric will be completing his thesis in our lab. Visit our 'People' page to read more about Eric and his many diverse interests. Welcome and enjoy your year, Eric!