Last week, Jeroen participated in the third summer school of the European Association for Decision Making (EADM). Based in Amsterdam this year, the program consisted of thorough workshops in theory building, game theory, statistics, open science and more. Aside from that, it was a great opportunity to get acquainted with the youngest echelon of the EADM community. Overall it's a highly recommended experience, so keep an eye out for next year's edition! (

After two fantastic weeks I have finally returned to the Donders Institute from the Kavli Summer Institute Cognitive Neuroscience!
Together with 70 other fellows from all over the world, we gathered at the University of California Santa Barbara to learn all about the state of the art in Cognitive Neuroscience. We attended lectures every morning from distinguished scientific leaders of different areas of the field and got hands on experience with new emerging methods in lab sessions in the afternoon. This, together with an intimate atmosphere, a group of incredibly intelligent, fun people and the beach around the corner, made the last two weeks priceless!
Thanks for everything guys, I'm looking forward to the reunion!

Claudia, Ili, Peter, Zhenyu and Jeroen have visited the 5th Düsseldorf Symposium on Decision Neuroscience in Düsseldorf, Germany on Friday June 17th.